
Superheroes, Retcons, Zombies, Kant, Kafka, and an Uncomfortable Zen

Okay, I don't really own a yellow coat. I own one of those hooded sweatshirts in the style of Spider-man. It even has a zipper that you can pull all the way up over the face to complete the look, as it were. And while I get a lot of compliments on it from adults, there was a student, some time ago, who looked at it and said, "You're a grown man, and you got a superhero jacket." My response was something to the effect that my interest in superheroes was evidence of my refusal to let getting older make me jaded. I've been a Spider-man fanatic since the early nineties. Growing up as a Jehovah's Witness and being simultaneously allowed to observe other kids but forbidden from really being a part of their world (Coincidentally or not, "wordly" is a pejorative in JW vernacular for practices and people that are either accidentally or intentionally in opposition to "the truth.") couldn't help but affect my view of myself as an outsider. Peter P...